Supporting you on your journey towards

health, wellness, and growth.

About Colleen
Individual Therapy
Couples Therapy
Family Therapy
Public Speaking

Dealing with Stress

We have all been at that ‘place’ in life where responsibilities, stress, and pressures seem unbearable. In times like these we usually turn to the support figures in our lives such as friends, family, mentors, or spiritual/religious leaders. So, what do you do when you have tried what has helped in the past, but the situation that has you at the end of your rope persists?

Professional Counseling

Working with a professional counsellor is an experience that can be filled with numerous positive outcomes such as an increased sense of self-worth, restored relationship(s), and a positive outlook on life. Along with this positive change however, comes the possibility of some unexpected discomforts, and for this reason it is important to understand that beginning work with a professional counsellor is a step that should be made with careful consideration.


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